5 Divorce Trends That May Surprise You

Divorce is often a challenging and emotionally charged process, fraught with a myriad of complex feelings and tough decisions. It's a painful journey that many couples never anticipate they'll have to embark on, and it can leave deep emotional scars. It's critical to remember that it's okay to feel vulnerable and seek support during these trying times.

The patterns and trends surrounding divorce are constantly evolving, reflecting societal shifts and changes in attitudes towards marriage. Understanding these trends can help us better comprehend the experience of going through divorce and give us a sense of perspective.

Here are five surprising trends that may change the way you view divorce:

#1. Divorce Rates Are Falling

Contrary to popular belief, the divorce rate in the United States and many parts of the world is currently on a downward trend. According to the American Psychological Association, the divorce rate in the U.S. has fallen from almost 50% in the 1980s to around 40% in recent years. This decline is thought to result from shifting societal norms and attitudes towards marriage and divorce. Many couples are now choosing to marry later in life, often after achieving personal and financial stability, which can contribute to more resilient marriages.

Let's delve into the lesser-known shifts in divorce trends:

  • The changing role of women in society and the workforce has significantly impacted marriage dynamics. Many women are now prioritizing their careers and choosing to marry later, reducing their financial dependence on their partners and potentially contributing to more stable marriages.
  • The stigma surrounding cohabitation before marriage has lessened, allowing couples to test their compatibility before tying the knot.
  • Many young adults, influenced by the high divorce rates of their parents' generation, are more cautious about entering into marriage and are taking proactive steps to strengthen their relationships, such as premarital counseling.

While the declining divorce rate can be seen as a positive trend, it is important to note that it does not necessarily signify happier or healthier marriages. It may indicate a shift towards fewer people choosing to get married in the first place or of couples choosing to stay in unhappy marriages due to financial constraints or fears of societal judgment. As with any trend, it's crucial to examine the underlying factors and implications.

#2. Millennials Are Changing the Game

Millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, are shaking up the norms surrounding marriage and divorce. They are taking a noticeably different approach, creating ripples within societal norms and marking a momentous shift in divorce trends. They are not only marrying later but also appearing to be more selective and cautious, seeking substantial compatibility and emotional maturity before committing to a lifetime partnership.

There are several key factors contributing to this new trend among millennials:

  • Education: Millennials are the most educated generation in history. This focus on education often leads to later marriages, as they pursue higher degrees and establish their careers prior to tying the knot.
  • Financial stability: Millennials often want to ensure they have a stable income and sound financial footing before committing to marriage, which may be a response to witnessing the financial turmoil that divorce caused in earlier generations.
  • Cohabitation: Millennials are more likely than previous generations to live together before marriage, providing an opportunity to assess compatibility and shared lifestyle preferences.
  • Communication: The emphasis on open communication and emotional intelligence is more pronounced among millennials. They are more willing to invest time and resources in relationship skills and counseling, which can help mitigate marital conflicts and lead to more successful marriages.

However, even while these trends suggest an overall shift, they do not apply to all millennials. Many still struggle with the challenges of marriage and divorce. Economic disparities and the increasing cost of living may also limit some millennials' ability to delay marriage until they attain financial stability. Therefore, while broad trends can provide valuable insights, they cannot fully encapsulate a generation's diverse experiences and challenges.

#3. Gray Divorce Is Rising

While the overall divorce rate is declining, the rate of “gray divorce,” or divorce among couples over the age of 50, has been on the rise. Often, these divorces occur after decades of marriage, and the reasons behind this trend vary widely. Individuals may find that their goals and desires have diverged over time, or they may have grown apart from their partner. In other cases, retirement can bring underlying marital issues into sharper focus.

There are several factors that have contributed to the rise of gray divorce:

  • Longevity: As life expectancies increase, so does the opportunity for late-life divorces. People are living healthier and longer lives, encouraging them to pursue happiness in their later years, which may include leaving an unfulfilling marriage.
  • Financial independence: Women, in particular, have gained significant financial independence over recent decades. This independence can make it easier to contemplate a later-life divorce, as financial concerns are less likely to be a barrier.
  • Changing societal norms: The stigma surrounding divorce has lessened over time, making it a more viable option for people who are unhappy in their marriages.

It's also important to note that gray divorce does not necessarily signify a crisis. For many, it can also represent an opportunity for personal growth and exploration later in life. Many individuals report experiencing a sense of freedom and self-discovery following a gray divorce. However, it is also true that gray divorce can bring particular challenges, including financial strain and the need to navigate the dating world after many years of marriage.

#4. Women Report Being Happier After Divorce

Despite the societal narrative often portraying divorce as a predominantly negative experience, studies suggest that women report increased levels of happiness and improved mental health after divorce. This might seem counterintuitive, considering the emotional turmoil and life changes associated with divorce. However, it highlights the importance of personal well-being and the pursuit of happiness, even when it means ending an unsatisfying marriage.

Of course, not all women report feeling happier after divorce, and many face significant challenges, including financial strain and increased stress, especially if children are involved. Moreover, societal pressure and stigma around divorce might also impact the perceived happiness of divorced women. Therefore, while it is encouraging that some women find happiness and personal growth after divorce, it's essential to provide support and resources to all women navigating the complexities of divorce.

#5. 6% of Divorced Couples Remarry Each Other Again

In a surprising twist, studies indicate that approximately 6% of divorced couples end up remarrying each other. These couples often cite a realization of their mistakes and increased maturity as reasons for their reunion. This trend underscores the idea that divorce does not always signify the end of a relationship but can occasionally serve as a circuitous path toward reconciliation and a stronger bond. In fact, 72% of these couples remain married.

Your Trusted Divorce Attorneys

At Palmer Rodak & Associates, we understand the emotional and legal complexities of divorce proceedings. Our team of experienced attorneys is committed to providing compassionate, personalized, and effective legal assistance to guide you through this challenging time. Whether it's a contested divorce, mediation, or collaborative divorce, we have the experience and dedication to protect your rights and interests, ensuring you have the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Don't navigate this difficult journey alone. Reach out to us at (760) 573-2223 or fill out our online form. We are ready to help you achieve a resolution that respects your needs and promotes your well-being. 
